The Thunderbird Global Management School is a public management school dedicated to international business and public management research. Founded in 1946, it is one of the oldest management research institutes in the United States. In 2014, Thunderbird Global Management College was merged into Arizona State University in the United States. Arizona State University (ASU) was established in 1885 as a public university. ASU, along with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Harvard University, ranks among the top 10 in the United States and 11th globally in terms of patents in 2020. In 2017, Arizona State University announced the construction of a new campus for the Thunderbird Global Management School in the Phoenix City Center, Arizona's capital.
Your Thunderbird education is recognized worldwide. As an accredited institution, you can ensure a high-quality educational experience. All graduate and undergraduate academic courses at ASU are fully recognized by the Higher Education Council. Thunderbird has also been recognized by the Association for the Development of Business Schools (AACSB).
Master of Management
Times Higher Education/Wall Street Journal Business School Report 2019 In their latest analysis of the 2019 Master of Management program, THE and WSJ rated Thunderbird's Global Master of Management degree as the world's number one
Most Innovative Schools in the United States
US News and World Report 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
Sanjeev Khagram
- 雷鸟全球管理学院院长
- 斯坦福大学经济学博士学位、政治经济学博士学位
- 曾是华盛顿大学国际发展中心的教授和创始主任
- 曾担任哈佛大学教授,斯坦福大学客座教授
Lena Booth
- 副院长,雷鸟学术企业和金融学教授
- 亚利桑那州立大学凯瑞商学院金融学博士
- 主讲战略财务分析、企业财务管理、全球财务管理以及全球私募股权等高级金融课程。
Seigyoung Auh
- 教授,密歇根大学罗斯商学院博士
- MBA:密歇根大学罗斯商学院
- 雷鸟全球管理学院的全球营销教授
- 主要研究人工智能对员工和客户关系管理、销售人员创造力、销售控制以及销售人员和客户学习的影响。
Tom Hunsaker
- 全球挑战实验室副主任
- 雷鸟应用学习学术总监
- 在创新管理、行为战略、领导力和高等教育方面有杰出的著作。他是布里杰模型的合著者,该模型最初发表在《哈佛商业评论》。
Roy Nelson
Roy C.Nelson是雷鸟本科项目的高级副院长
Landry Signé
Landry Signé教授是一位享誉世界的教授和主要实践者,因其学术、政策、商业和领导力成就获得了来自四大洲的60多个著名奖项和荣誉,并获得了美国大学历史上最快的终身教职和晋升为最高级别的正教授,对于一个在其学科中处于初级职位的学者来说。
Euvin Naidoo
Patrick Lynch
high-end courses, immersive English teaching
Global Challenge Laboratory
12-24 learning cycles
Tokyo International Exchange Online Learning
10 courses
Tuition fees
registration fee
『firsthand international tourism 』
『 100% online』
premiere of face-to-face communication between Tokyo, Japan and top experts from around the world, visits from internationally renowned enterprises, Thunderbird alumni discussions, unity of knowledge and action, expanding the international stage
Thunderbird Global School of Management Authorized Admissions Center
Address: Room 1201, Building 1 (Zeyang Building), No. 166 Fushi Road, Shijingshan District, Peking
Tel: 010-68817606
Contact person: Teacher Yu
This project is only applicable to signed members of our company